home cooked meals
What is a Pakao and are you one? Homechefs and those who cook at home

Who is a Pakao?
A Home Chef

Pakaos are those who love to cook at home.

Do you analyse the ingredients of everything you eat?

Do you watch cooking shows for hours on end?

Do you have strong opinions about saute and blanche?

Do you know the difference between flambe and brulee?

Does your cooking have a fan following?

Then you might be a Pakao and not even know it...

Check below for signs of a perfect Pakao.

Pakaos are

... many things. But whatever they are or aren't, they are definitely all this!

Home Chefs
love to cook at home

The kitchen is where you spend many of your waking hours, when at home. Your kitchen is your happy place.

Cuisine Experts
rule their home kitchens

Family members give you the run of their kitchens, and love what you make. Your recipes are family heirlooms.

crafting home made delicacies

You don't cook... you create... scrumptious edibles that are praised and relished...and sometimes fought over ;-)

of food that is cooked-at-home®

You are able to put a price on your delicious dishes, and are happy to take orders for them.

If this sounds a lot like you, then here is a chance to get your own Listing page!

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Copyright © cooked-at-home®

cooked-at-home®.com is a platform to bring together those who love home-cooked food and those who love to cook at home. We provide listings of home chefs and their dishes, organised by city, via our Directory. No liability is assumed, no guarantee is implied and no responsibility is undertaken, for any and all use of this website, including but not limited to, orders placed with the home chefs and food provided by them. Use of this website presumes consent to our Terms of Service.